Free Design & Development Tools
A hand-picked list of 100% free high-quality tools and resources, for your next design or development project.
Popular Tools
Blobmaker is a free design generator tool made by z creative labs, to help quickly create random, unique and organic-looking SVG shapes or blobs.
GeneratorsCSS Matic
CSS Matic offers great CSS tools and generators for web designers and developers. CSS Box-Shadow, Border-Radius, Gradients and more.
GeneratorsMany Pixels
Many Pixels offer royalty-free and customizable SVG illustrations, every week, to power up your projects.
Color Hunt is a free and open platform for color inspiration with thousands of trendy hand-picked color palettes.
Colors & GradientsuiGradients
uiGradients is a community contributed collection of beautiful multi-color gradients, free to use on your next UI or design project.
Colors & GradientsPaaatterns
A free collection of 22 accurately crafted patterns for all vector formats, including SVG, Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, Adobe Illustrator and more.
Textures & Patterns